hello there!
i am starting my pages w questions on my mind about the development of this space (see below). i’ll also share a bit about me and my core streams of inquiry:
[[mastering the game of world-building]] inviting u into my home: [[ [[mastering ultimate frisbee]] [[mastering the english language]] > [[SPEAKING CORE]] > [[playwright’s guild]]
how will we craft a spacious and structured container befitting the project?
> - the first century > up to 100 peers, 100 days > reconvene >
> - periodical peer circles
> - summit of the first century peers
how does money work?
so we want to support / reward the host of the substrata: aka victor people then invite peers into specific containers / practices / pathways some of these can be accessed via pay methods of the host choosing is there a membership fee / skin in the game cost to enter > the century of peers? if there is, who does it go to? can it go to a collective fund? how does that change the dynamics of this place? how would that work? what is 5 times simpler than that? how is the additional complexity of personal buy-in >> collective-common wealth worth it? what does that afford that other options dont? what happens with the collective pool? how does that work? lets us play and validate offering affords us ability to invite peers into discussion / negotation of pay-structure >> discussion of values relationship-tyle (CULTURE MAKING) less skin in the game, less perceived value, less commitment? arguably, less interested people > lower quality collaboration... entrance fee / skin in the game > personal reward to substrata host barrier to general entry > more friction > pushes away interested and quality peers before experiment is validated entrance fee / skin in the game > contribution to collective pool >> DAO barrier to general entry > more friction > pushes away interested and quality peers before experiment is validated higher degree of set-up complexity > slows down process
> - can we hold these QUESTIONS AS INQUIRIES?
> - how does money function in the century of us container?
> - can we find common agreement on the relationship / dynamics we want to see(d) in this ecosystem?
how will people know me as a peer?
anonymous feedback form >> testimonials story of self >> obsidian SOUL.MATRIX